Friday, July 27, 2012

Guided Math: Putting It All Together

I just received the summer newsletter my principal sends out every year  and saw that guided math is going to be required in all classrooms this year. YES!  But now the hard part begins...What will this really look like in my first grade classroom this year?
My team leader has asked me to help our team put together binders for guided math similar to what we use in guided reading.  Our guided reading binders contain information about reading levels, strategies to teach, and helpful hints like suggestions for prompting readers and extending thinking, and they house our running records, rubrics and other student data.  We also use them for our lesson plans for each group and to show how our students are currently grouped for instruction.
So what should a guided math binder contain?  This is what I have come up with so far:

  • Objectives/standards to be taught.  Here in Texas, that's our TEKS.  For many of you, this would be the Common Core standards.  No Common Core in Texas:(
  • Road map for the year and each grading period
  • Resources- problem solving strategies, CGI problem types, question stems to promote higher level thinking
  • Lesson plans
  • A section for each student's assessment data and observation records
  • Blank anecdotal record forms, rubrics, checklists, etc.
  • Grouping information
I've been searching for lesson plan templates.  Here are a couple I've found so far.
From Mandy Gregory

I found this last night, but now I don't know where!  If it is yours or you know where it is from, please let me know!

My version

What would you include in a guided math binder?
Do you have a lesson plan template or data form to share?
Any hints for successful implementation of guided math in first grade?

Thanks for any help you can offer!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the templates! We are trying to start a program similar to our Daily 5 with math this year...I'm super excited about it! These templates are a big help!

    Carrie :)
    The First Grade Derby
