I am so excited about the next 2 weeks! For the past several years my team and I have been doing a Dr. Seuss week at the beginning of March, complete with our own mini read-a-thon. (Read about our day 2 years ago here.) But we've always felt rushed to complete everything before spring break, so this year we have decided to expand our unit to 2 weeks. Two weeks with Dr. Seuss- YES!
I might be sorry in a few days, but I've decided to jump in and try something VERY different for me. A few years ago I created a differentiated menu of activities for our Dr. Seuss unit. Due to lack of time, I've never been able to implement it completely, but my kids have always enjoyed the activities from the menu that we have been able to complete. Since I will have more time this year, I want to be able to give them these choices and add in some opportunities to use the technology tools we've been exploring. So here's the new menu I've created.
To introduce the menu I've created a Powerpoint presentation that I can post on our learning management system, Canvas. (I'm loving Canvas; I should blog about it soon!) That way the kids (and parents) can easily access the menu and see examples. Here's a link if you'd like to check it out:
Hopefully I'll be back sometime next week to update how it's going!

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