Friday, February 14, 2014

Renewing My Spirit

I am hanging my head in shame right now because I have not blogged since OCTOBER!  I could make all kinds of excuses and bore you with the details of my life, but instead I will just say I am committed to at least blogging once a week until I get my groove back! I've recently started doing daily yoga to renew my spirit -now I'll use blogging to renew my commitment to teaching
For me, this is the time of year when things get a little stale in my classroom.  Posters and anchor charts are looking a little shabby, the kids are kind of bored with some of the materials in work stations and I don't have the energy I had in August.  We are having some big discussions on my campus right now about incorporating new ideas into our instruction so I feel like this is a perfect time to reflect on my teaching practice.  I'm going to use this blog to help me stay accountable as I try to add a spark to the rest of the year.
Step one is going to be some housecleaning.  This is my desk right now!  Thankfully it is kind of hidden behind my file cabinet, but something needs to be done before the Risk Management department declares it a health hazard!

Step 2 will be reorganizing for Daily 5 and guided reading.  My kids have grown so much as readers this year so I need to grow with them and provide some fresh materials for word work and work on writing, as well as more higher level activities for reading groups.
Step 3 is sprucing up guided math.  Our principal has just sent a campus-wide reminder about the importance of guided math, and I hope to be able to share some of my ideas with others.  I'm going to revisit some book studies I've participated in for inspiration.  If you are looking for guided math help, here's the link to discussions of Laney Sammons Guided Math and Building Mathematical Comprehension books.
I look forward to becoming part of the blogging world again!

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