Monday, August 12, 2013

Writer's Block!

My poor blog sure has suffered this past month!  I was away from home for a good part of July, and found it difficult to blog on the road, and then once I returned home, I just wasn't "feeling it."  I don't know if it was writer's block or what, but even though I worked on a lot of things for school, I just couldn't get my thoughts into words to blog.  Hopefully I am back on track now!
School starts in 2 weeks- where has the summer gone? I have been to school a couple of times, and now my room no longer looks like this!

One of my goals this year (and every year!) is to be more organized and consistent with routines.  Last year I really enjoyed doing number talks with my class, but I tended to use the same materials and forget about others.  I used my dot plates a lot, but then I would forget about my Rekenreks and other tools.  So this year I am making some cards to help me remember different number sense activities from the resources I have available.  Here's the first set that goes along with our first unit covering number to 20.  Nothing fancy; just something I can share with my team to help ensure we get our firsties thinking about numbers. I plan on laminating these and putting them on a ring to keep near my teaching area along with all of the supplies.
Click here for a copy.

Here are a few pictures of how I spent my summer:
The county fair with my niece and nephew in my hometown.

Camping in Colorado

Confratute at UConn

It's been a great summer, but now I'm looking forward to getting ready for my new class!
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